Games with subs : Worship my boots for a tasty reward

Mistress Aleera loves to play games with subs, and today there’s a special treat in waiting for her sub.
He has the honour of worshipping her beautiful boots – taking time to worship each buckle.

He then has the pleasure of kissing her feet. He has longer for this day for so long, and takes great delight in kissing her feet and toes.

But, there’s more. As he’s done such a great job he is rewarded with the option of a muffin. But, there’s a game…
If he can balance the muffin on his lips for 5 seconds, it is his… otherwise he misses out.

Fair? Well… Mistress Aleera takes great delight in smashing the muffin on the 4 second mark and humiliating him as she smears his face with the muffin.

Luck has to run out one day.


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Fetters Wheel : Upside-down Foot Tease

upsidedown2 300x169 - Fetters Wheel : Upside-down Foot TeaseMxtress Valleycat has their slave restrained to a fetters wheel.  Knowing the slave has a foot fetish, Mx Valleycat taunts him with the toes, placing the foot up towards his crotch and teasing, knowing he can’t go anywhere.

Perhaps there is an option to become closer to the feet.  Time to spin the wheel.

Worshipping feet whilst dangled upside down – can the pleasure of the feet take the mind off the rush to the head? Or will being upside down be too much of a distraction to enjoy properly?


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Stockings Punishment for Poor Tea Service

FL IMG 5228 lite 300x200 - Stockings Punishment for Poor Tea ServiceSometimes you just can’t get the staff.

Mxtress Valleycat has been served an awful cup of tea and so – well, it won’t do.

They decide to punish the slave by having him inhale her sweaty stockings.

Though, he seems to enjoy this, the pervert.  A few slaps to the cock might stop that.


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