Sometimes objectification and human furniture can be extra sexy, extra frustrating and extra objectifying.
Valleycat calls in their husband to meet with themselves and Rosarosebud – he has been presented with a new short crop top which reads ‘Two Seater’ – a sign of what is to come.
He is going to be a human sofa. Valleycat sitting on his groin, Rosa on his face. From there the two tease and bounce.
Rosa decides that the sofa needs an upgrade. She attached a dildo gag to the mouth of our hapless human sofa.
She then removes her already damp panties and uses them as a makeshift blindfold for the sofa – to obscure his vision on what happens next.
Rosa rides the dildo gag, both forwards and backwards – it is facesitting to almost extremes of her pleasure.
Valleycat doesn’t fancy sitting on the rather excited cock – instead finding it more satisfying to tease, slap and frustrate it.
The two have a lot of fun using the human sofa to get off; something that gives them a lot of pleasure and, well, him very little.
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