New from April 2024
After reviewing what we offer in the subscription, we’re pleased to announce some changes from April 2024
As we’ve not been able to offer as much bonus content as previously expected, we’ve had some think on how to bring the best value to our fans and subscribers
So from today the clips included in the subscription will increase from a minimum of 2 per month, to a minimum of 2 per week.
This will include
– One “throwback Thursday” clip each Thursday – something from our early days
– One clip every Saturday, from our recent archives
– Discretionary extra clips each Monday
This is in addition to
– 10% discount off all clips in our clip store (discount automatically applied)
The store contains all of our older content, plus each week our new content will be available as it drops elsewhere
– Ad hoc extra clips, behind the scenes, etc.
– Exclusive Promo Stills – some will be available to everyone, some subscribers only
The subscription price will remain $15 per month (with discounts available if you buy multiple months in advance) and a limited amount of newcomer discounts will remain
Once the content that is available builds up we will review the price, but those in first will be locked on the lower price.
Whether you subscribe or not, we’re currently massively populating the store with content, so feel free to dive in to some hot Femdom content.
You can follow on LoyalFans here